Board Creates Design Goals

The Devils Lake Water Improvement District is on an exciting journey to create a brand-new facility. This all started after some careful thinking about what the facility should be like and what it needs to do. To help them stay on track and make sure everything turns out just right, the DLWID Board has come up with some initial design goals.

These goals encompass various functional areas:

  • District Office Space: The facility will house offices for District personnel and include an on-site laboratory for lake analysis.
  • Visitor Center: A central hub for educating the public about Devils Lake and District activities.
  • Public Marina: The facility will provide a public marina with boat slips and the potential for a fueling station, enhancing lake access.
  • Watercraft Rental Concession: Dedicated space for watercraft rentals and seasonal boat slip rentals for public use.
  • Food Service Concession: Lakeside dining options will be available through a designated area for food service.

The physical parameters of the design include the use of concrete, metal, and glass for construction materials, ensuring durability. The building's height will peak at 30', with a street-side height of 26' 8". It will be a two-story structure with dimensions measuring 40' x 80', offering a spacious total usable space of approximately 6,400 square feet.

These initial parameters will be the basis of the initial draft conceptual drawings.  Once completed the conceptual plan and drawings will be used to begin the next steps.  The District is excited to begin this project with high hopes it can find sufficient funding to finish the design process and begin construction.   Stay Tuned.

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